ESG related data

Ethics & Compliance

The environmental, social and governance data covers Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group as of December 31, 2022.

* In line with the latest standards set by our company, some items where numerical values ​​were revised due to definition changes have been revised retroactively.

:Covered by thrd-party assurance(Link to Third-party assurance)


2021 2022 2023
Intensity of product
Water used per 1L of product 3.24L/L 3.25L/L 3.20L/L
Energy used per 1L of product※1 0.87MJ/L 0.87MJ/L 0.86MJ/L
Water use / Replenishment
Water use volume
Ground water 7,676 thousand m³ 7,864 thousand m³ 8,228 thousand m³
Tap water 5,317 thousand m³ 5,423 thousand m³ 5,137 thousand m³
Total 12,993 thousand m³ 13,287 thousand m³ 13,365 thousand m³
Wastewater volume
Rivers 5,381 thousand m³ 5,259 thousand m³ 5,565 thousand m³
Sewers 3,570 thousand m³ 3,640 thousand m³ 3,700 thousand m³
Total 8,951 thousand m³ 8,900 thousand m³ 9,264 thousand m³
Water consumption volume Total 4,042 thousand m³ 4,387 thousand m³ 4,101 thousand m³
Number of plants concluded water resource conservation agreements with partners 16 plants 17 plants 17 plants
Number of plants engaged in water resource conservation activities with partners 17 plants 17 plants 17 plants
Replenishment area 8,117ha 8,136ha 8,135ha
Replenishment rate 353% 420% 411%
Production sites in areas with high water stress assessed by WRI AQUEDUCT※2 ※3 None None None
Energy use ※4
Electricity 314,017 thousand kWh 322,219 thousand kWh 326,716 thousand kWh
City gas 45,766 thousand m³ 46,306 thousand m³ 46,968 thousand m³
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 9,642t 9,933t 9,904t
Fuel oil 1,126KL 1,091KL 1,100KL
Gasoline 5,315KL 5,782KL 5,990KL
Diesel 59,376KL 49,856KL 48,077KL
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 745t 720t 813t
Electricity 68,420 thousand kWh 68,766 thousand kWh 66,990 thousand kWh
City gas 116 thousand m³ 105 thousand m³ 113 thousand m³
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 90t 99t 96t
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 187t 201t 269t
Kerosene 13KL 16KL 15KL
Sales (Cold & hot drink equiptments) Electricity 927,984 thousand kWh 895,240 thousand kWh 849,989 thousand kWh
Total energy use ※4 ※6
Manufacturing 3,751,259GJ 3,819,509GJ 3,864,880GJ
Logistics 2,461,798GJ 2,116,992GJ 2,103,054GJ
Offices※5 266,774GJ 268,863GJ 266,315GJ
Sales (Cold & hot drink equiptments) 3,340,744GJ 3,222,866GJ 3,059,960GJ
Greenhouse gas emissions ※4
Manufacturing 269 thousand t-CO₂e 270 thousand t-CO₂e 277 thousand t-CO₂e
Logistics 168 thousand t-CO₂e 144 thousand t-CO₂e 144 thousand t-CO₂e
Offices ※5 32 thousand t-CO₂e 33 thousand t-CO₂e 31 thousand t-CO₂e
Sales (Cold & hot drink equiptments) 402 thousand t-CO₂e 389 thousand t-CO₂e 372 thousand t-CO₂e
Renewable energy
Renewable energy use 2,100 thousand kWh 2,120 thousand kWh 2,109 thousand kWh
Raw materials such as sweeteners, coffee beans, tea leaves, milk, etc. 342 thousand t 355 thousand t 410 thousand t
Packaging of PET bottles, cans, cardboard, etc. 295 thousand t 300 thousand t 346 thousand t
Manufacturing waste
Total amount of manufacturing waste 103,590t 105,701t 104,952t
Recycled amount of manufacturing waste 103,499t 104,093t 104,477t
Recycling rate of waste from plants 99.9% 98.5% 99.5%
Recycling rate of coffee grounds constitute the bulk of our generated waste materials 100% 100% 100%
Recycling rate of tea leaves constitute the bulk of our generated waste materials 100% 100% 100%
Cold drink equiptments
Energy-efficient type vending machines 529,535 machines 550,096 machines 560,496 machines
CFC-free vending machine ratio 81.4% 84.0% 86.9%
Vending machines recycled 40,310 machines 41,587 machines 43,672 machines
Resource recycling
Containers collected by our company Steel cans 12,733t 9,732t 13,643t
Aluminum cans 11,879t 11,997t 14,581t
Glass bottles 2,394t 2,296t 3,548t
PET bottles 36,926t 33,308t 36,304t
Plastic - 4,354t 4,745t
Paper, cardboard, etc. 24,353t 25,582t 26,314t
Industrial plastic waste CCBJI 41,336t 42,630t 41,760t
FV Japan 1,739t 1,219t 1,186t
Quality assurance
Disclosure GMO policy/Labeling of products with GMO ingredients ※7 We do not produce GMOs, do not use GMOs in raw materials or in the production process. We do not produce GMOs, do not use GMOs in raw materials or in the production process. We do not produce GMOs, do not use GMOs in raw materials or in the production process.
GMO Revenues ditto ditto ditto

※1 The CCBJH Group uses the Coca-Cola system’s global thermal conversion factors in accounting.

※2 WRI : World Resources Institute

※3 AQUEDUCT : A global tool for water risk assessment developed by WRI. It is used to assess water risks of the area in which the plant is located from the perspectives of the amount of water, its quality, regulations, and reputation. The water stress area is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5, from low to extremely high, based on location information.

※4 Accounting process is here.

※5 In regard to calculating the electricity use and associated greenhouse gas emissions of office activity, the calculations were conducted by estimation based on the purpose and the number of employees for 19 out of 377 business locations. This was due to reasons such as being unable to obtain an accurate measurement of electricity use at leased office locations.

※6 From the 2023 results, the heat conversion coefficient for electric energy use has been changed from a primary energy equivalent amount base to a physical amount base conversion.This change has been applied retroactively, and energy consumption for 2021 and 2022 has been converted on a physical volume basis. Note that energy consumption for 2021 and 2022 based on primary energy equivalent amounts before the change is for 2021 (manufacturing: 5,751,545 GJ, offices: 702,612 GJ, sales equipment operating in the market: 9,252,004 GJ) and 2022 (manufacturing: 5,872,046 GJ, offices: 706,900 GJ, sales equipment operating in the market: 8,925,547 GJ).

※7 The Coca-Cola Company's principle related to GMO(23)


2021 2022 2023
Number of employees※1 15,083 14,484 14,010
Average length of service Male 18.3 19.0 19.5
Female 13.7 14.6 15.3
All 17.7 18.4 19.0
Number of new hires 419 449 507
New entry-level hires (College graduates) Male 60 68 83
Female 108 54 34
Ratio of New graduates hired (College graduates) Male 35.7% 55.7% 70.9%
Female 64.3% 44.3% 29.1%
Female employees (as % of total workforce) ※2 19.4% 18.6% 18.3%
Females in all management positions, including junior, middle and senior management (as % of total management workforce)※3 6.1% 6.6% 7.4%
Females in junior management positions, i.e. first level of management (as % of total junior management positions) 6.3% 7.0% 7.6%
Females in management and leader positions 9.7% 10.0% 10.4%
Females in top management positions, i.e. maximum two levels away from the CEO or comparable positions (as a % of total top management positions) 22.2% 33.3% 33.3%
Female in executives including director 27.3% 36.4% 36.4%
Females in management positions in revenue-generating functions (e.g. sales) as a % of all such managers (i.e. excluding support functions such as HR, IT, Legal, etc.) 4.9% 5.2% 5.5%
Gender Wage Gap 71.6% 71.7% 73.1%
Retention rate of all employees 93.6% 94.2% 94.1%
Total employee turnover rate 7.3% 6.3% 6.9%
Voluntary employee turnover rate 4.4% 5.1% 5.5%
Number of employee turnover 1,154 948 987
Employees covered by an independent trade union or collective bargaining agreements (as % of total workforce) 100% 100% 100%
Engagement rate based on employee survey Male 68.7% 66.5% 70.6%
Female 73.7% 71.8% 74.4%
All 68.9% 66.8% 70.7%
Data coverage of employee engagement survey 82% 85% 94%
Average overtime working hours per month (CCBJI) 11.9h 13.2h 13.3h
Number of employees promoted from non-permanent to permanent 95 9 5
Number of employees transferred positions through internal job posting 7 20 24
Occupational Safety
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) ※4 1.20 1.13 1.11
Lost time injury frequency rate of contractors (LTIFR) ※5 1.03 0.38 0.76
Total incident rate (TIR)※6 0.55 0.51 0.46
Lost time incident rate (LTIR) ※7 0.24 0.23 0.22
Number of employee fatal accidents caused by occupational accidents 0 0 2
Number of occupational accidents due to traffic accidents 22 28 20
Number of occupational accidents due to falls 27 30 25
Number of participants in personnel trainings and education programs sponsored by the company 41,736 49,150 180,984
Average hours per FTE of training and development 11.9h 10.8h 15.8h
Average expense per FTE of training and development ※8 67,760 JPY 74,442 JPY 85,050 JPY
Number of human rights awareness & promotion programs 8 18 35
Employee Diversity
Rate of Employment of persons with disabilities※9 2.39% 2.48% 2.42%
Rate of Employees (Age) <30 yrs old 12.0% 11.6% 11.5%
30-49 yrs old 65.5% 62.3% 58.5%
≧50 yrs old 22.5% 26.1% 30.0%
Rate of Employment of persons with non-Japanese nationality (Rate of all managers with non-Japanese nationality) China 0.13%(0.23%) 0.13%(0.30%) 0.14%(0.31%)
Australia 0.03%(0.17%) 0.03%(0.18%) 0.03%(0.18%)
U.S. 0.03%(0.00%) 0.03%(0.18%) 0.03%(0.18%)
Philippines 0.01%(0.12%) 0.01%(0.12%) 0.04%(0.12%)
Others 0.26%(0.82%) 0.29%(1.32%) 0.31%(1.48%)
Community Program
Number of plants available for plant tours ※10 6 6 6
Number of hydration seminars 5 12 8
Number of drink education seminars 16 17 7
Number of other seminars 3 9 3
Number of community collaboration programs 4 4 3
Number of community program participants Number of plant tour visitors ※11 2,688 4,307 43,019
Number of hydration seminar participants 1,332 1,712 1,248
Number of drink education seminar participants 2,370 2,147 418
Number of other seminar participants 1,165 4,150 2,949
Number of community collaboration program participants 927 1,022 1,035
Number of Learn from the forest project participants - 342 521
Number of program participants - rugby and hockey clinics/classes by corporate sports teams 1,190 5,220 3,034
Total 9,672 18,900 52,234
Corporate Citizenship/Philanthropic Program
Cash contributions※12 163,572,000 JPY 107,478,000 JPY 105,721,158 JPY
Time of employee volunteering during paid working hours (The amount equivalent in currency) 119,000 JPY 1,276,000 JPY 1,353,000 JPY
In-kind giving of product or services donations, projects/partnerships or similar (The amount equivalent in currency) 34,110,000 JPY 150,056,000 JPY 145,782,000 JPY
Management overheads 786,000,000 JPY 726,222,000 JPY 592,637,000 JPY
Number of employee volunteer participants 551 3,579 3,438
Occupational Health & Well-being
Employees making use of flexible working hours Number 9,812 9,409 10,000
Implementation rate 100% 100% 100%
Employees making use of working from home arrangements Number 2,861 2,439 2,711
Implementation rate 95% 98% 97%
Number of employees making use of childcare leave program Female 137 138 125
Male 27 30 57
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave Male 60.2% 67.5% 83.3%
Return rate of employees used childcare leave 99% 100% 98%
Number of employees used long service leave※13 370 2,027 1,407
CCBJI and Supplier Risk Management
Number of plants audited in CCBJI plants (third-party audit) 6 11 14
Number of plants audited in supplier's plants (third-party audit) 62 75 47
Number of facilities assessed under Supplier Guiding Principles and Human Rights Policy (third-party audit) 122 114 73
Number of suppliers identified as high risk in assessment under Supplier Guiding Principles and Human Rights Policy 0 0 0
Compliance with Supplier Guiding Principles and Human Rights Policy
(policy explanation, audit situation, response to noncompliance)
100% confirmed over the past three years. 100% confirmed over the past three years. 100% confirmed over the past three years.

※1 The number includes employees at all levels, except partner employees, part-time employees, executives, and temporary employees/ The number of employees including average number of temporary workers 17,173

※2 Female employees (% of total workforce as of December 1, 2023) includes partner employees and part-time employees/ Female rate in all permanent employees 12.7%(December 1, 2023)

※3 Managers refer to employees in the top five of nine grades determined by organizational and job roles and responsibilities.

※4 Number of lost-time incidents ÷ total no. of working hours x 1,000,000 targeting permanent/non-permanent employees of CCBJH group

※5 Number of lost-time incidents ÷ total no. of working hours x 1,000,000 targeting subcontractors of CCBJH group (vendors outside the system, contractors, visitors)

※6 Number of incidents ÷ total no. of working hours x 200,000 targeting permanent/non-permanent employees of CCBJH group

※7 Number of lost-time incidents ÷ total no. of working hours x 200,000 targeting permanent/non-permanent employees of CCBJH group

※8 Training and capability development cost includes consulting fees, etc.

※9 The figure is in the "Employment Report for Persons with Disabilities" (June 1st) submitted to the Director of Public Employment Security Office.

※10 Plant tours are suspended (from February, 2020 to November, 2022), partly resumed (December, 2022)

※11 Online plant tour participants are included (from June, 2021)

※12 Contribution as Coca-Cola system partly included

※13 The timeframe for long service leave is extended


2021 2022 2023
Independence of Board of Directors
Number of Internal Directors Male 2 2 2
Female 0 0 0
Total 2 2 2
Number of Outside Directors (Of which, Independent Directors) Male 5 (3) 4 (3) 4 (3)
Female 2 (2) 3 (2) 3 (2)
Total 7 (5) 7 (5) 7 (5)
Ratio of Independent Directors 56% 56% 56%
Number of Board of Directors meetings held 8 7 8
Term of Office (Year) 1 1 1
Audit & Supervisory Committee
Number of Internal Director serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members Male 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
Number of Outside Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members (Of which, Independent Directors) Male 3 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1)
Female 1 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1)
Total 4 (2) 4 (2) 4 (2)
Ratio of Outside Directors in Audit & Supervisory Committee 100% 100% 100%
Number of Audit & Supervisory Committee meetings held 8 5 5
Term of Office (Year) 2 2 2
Directors' Compensation
Total amount of compensation, etc. (Million yen) Directors
(Of which, paid to outside directors)
Directors (Audit & Supervisory Committee members)
(Of which, paid to outside directors)
(Of which, paid to outside directors)
Main Investor Relations activities
Earnings Presentation 4 times 4 times 4 times
IR meetings with analysts and institutional investors Appx. 230 times, appx. 340 people in total Appx. 250 times, appx. 390 people in total Appx. 310 times, appx. 520 people in total
Participation in conferences (Domestic/Overseas) 6 times 6 times 5 times
Other IR briefings 3 times 4 times 4 times
Corporate Governance
Specific shareholding requirement rules for CEO and other executive officers None None None
Ethics and Compliance
Critical violations of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics None None None
Payment of critical environment or ecological fines or penalties over the past four years None None None
Political contributions/Donations or spending for lobbyists/lobbyist organizations None None None
Animal testing None in our core business None in our core business None in our core business

The figures in the annual securities report of each fiscal year