GHG emissions results

Enable a recycling-oriented society

We aim to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 50% and Scope 3 by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2015)) across the entire supply chain by 2030 at the same time as achieving business growth.
By visualizing our GHG emissions, we hope to share information with our many stakeholders about the overall state of GHG emissions, potential countermeasures, and other topics in the hope that this will lead to further emissions reduction.

CCBJH Group's scope 1, 2, 3 emissions by source
Source: “Supply-chain emissions in Japan,” Ministry of the Environment, 2015
2023 GHG emissions and accounting methods

: Covered by third-party assurance (Third-party assurance report)

Scope Emissions (t-CO2e) Accounting method
Activity data Emission factor
Scope 1 Direct greenhouse
gas emissions by the
reporting company
192,795 ★ Amount of fuel used in
offices, sales centers, plants,
distributions, etc., and the
amount of Fluorocarbons
Emission factor from the Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Accounting and Reporting Manual (Ver.5.0) (Ministry
of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry; February 2024) and GWP file for 2024
report of Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act
Scope 2 Indirect emissions from
the use of electricity,
heat, or steam supplied
by others
170,936 ★ Amount of electricity used in
offices, sales centers, plants,
Based on Emission factor by Electricity Provider (Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Accounting for Specified Organizations) –
Results for Fiscal 2021; (Jan. 24, 2023; Ministry of the
Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), for
manufacturing, we use the adjusted emission factor for each
power company plan, and for all others, we use national
average emission factor of 0.438kg-CO₂/kWh
Scope 1, 2 total amount 363,731 ★
Scope Category Emissions (t-CO2e) Accounting method
Activity data Emission factor
Scope 3 1 Purchased goods
and services


Procured raw materials
(based on weight)
The Coca-Cola Company's emission factor
2 Fixed assets
105,045 Fiscal year increase in amount
of fixed assets (net price)
Emission factor according to price of fixed
assets from the Ministry of the Environment's
emission factor database (Ver.3.3) for use with
the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for
Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the
Supply Chain
3 Fuel- and energy
related activities not
included in Scope 1
or Scope 2
67,628 Amount of fuel, electricity,
heat used
Emission factor for fuel procurement from the
Ministry of the Environment's emission factor
database (Ver.3.3) for use with the Basic
Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas
Emissions throughout the Supply Chain
4 Transport and
delivery (upstream)
89,011 ★ Amount of fuel used for
outsourced transportation
Emission factor from the Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Accounting and Reporting Manual (Ver.5.0) (Ministry
of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry; February 2024)
5 Waste generated in
20,764 Waste by weight or
disposal fee
Emission factor for industrial waste based on
an industry input-output model from the
Ministry of the Environment's emission factor
database (Ver.3.3) for use with the Basic
Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas
Emissions throughout the Supply Chain
6 Business travel 4,528 Employee transportation
expenses paid
Emission factor for transportation expenses from
the Ministry of the Environment's emission factor
database (Ver.3.3) for use with the Basic
Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas
Emissions throughout the Supply Chain
7 Employee
3,618 Employee commuter
expenses paid
Emission factor for transportation expenses from
the Ministry of the Environment's emission factor
database (Ver.3.3) for use with the Basic
Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas
Emissions throughout the Supply Chain
8 Leased assets
9 Transportation and
delivery (downstream)
10 Processing of sold
11 Use of sold products N/A N/A N/A
12 End-of-life treatment
of sold products
12,241 Recycling of containers and
packaging recycled applied
for in accordance with the
Recycling of Containers and
Packaging Act
Emission factor for waste by treatment
method from the Ministry of the Environment's
emission factor database (Ver.3.3) for use with
the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for
Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the
Supply Chain
13 Leased assets
372,295 ★ Electricity use of sales
equipment (vending
machines, coolers, dispensers)
Emissions from electricity use is calculated by
multiplying the annual electricity use of one
sales equipment by the number of vending
machines in operation in the applicable fiscal
year. The emission factor for electricity is
0.438 kg-CO₂/kWh.
14 Franchises N/A N/A N/A
15 Investments N/A N/A N/A
Scope 3 total amount 1,987,392
Scope 1~3 total amount (t-CO2e) 2,351,123

Percentage of GHG emissions Scope 1,2,3 of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. in 2023

Percentage of CO2 emissions Scope 1,2,3 of CCBJH Group in 2022