News Release

News Release

“Business as usual is not an option” Driving transformation for sustainable growth Annual Review 2019 is now available ~ Comprehensive digest of the company’s key achievements in 2019, business strategies, approaches in ESG, etc. ~

Jun 15, 2020

News Release




June 15, 2020

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.


“Business as usual is not an option” Driving transformation for sustainable growth
Annual Review 2019 is now available ~ Comprehensive digest of the company’s key achievements in 2019, business strategies, approaches in ESG, etc. ~


Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings would like to extend our deepest sympathies to those who have been affected by COVID-19. Also, we thank all those who are working tirelessly to prevent the spread of infections and ensure the health and safety of our local communities.


Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings (Headquarters in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & President Calin Dragan; hereafter “CCBJH”) seeks to continue being a company that is trusted and rightly acknowledged by all its stakeholders through appropriate and timely disclosure of information that can help deepen their understanding of the company. The latest disclosure of such information takes the form of an official publication titled “Annual Review 2019” that has been released today (Monday, June 15, 2020) on the company’s website (


Through this annual publication, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan intends to portray the full updated picture of its organization by providing a comprehensive rundown of company-related information ranging from the reports on its key achievements in 2019, management strategies and vision, overview of its core businesses, to the highlights of extensive activities, projects, and initiatives strategically planned and executed to ensure its sustainable growth, while contributing proactively to the environment and society and further strengthening its corporate governance by increasing its focus on achieving specific ESG targets.   


Positioning 2019 as a turning-point year for recovery from product supply constraints caused by disaster in the previous year and for reconstruction of the company’s platform for future growth, CCBJH and its group companies have made investments aimed at the recovery of the group’s supply network and the progressive expansion of its manufacturing capacity.


In 2019, CCBJH group renewed its mission, vision, and values in support of its mid-term strategic plan. By setting its corporate mission to "Deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value," the newly defined mission, vision, and values have been unified under the words "Paint it RED! Letʼs repaint our future." This slogan uses RED, the signature color of Coca-Cola and also a color that symbolizes passion, to express the group’s strong will to create sustainable value for the company and its stakeholders.


While the entire group faces an uncertain and unprecedented business environment during the novel coronavirus pandemic, its first priority is to protect the safety and health of all its employees, including those working on the front-lines to ensure safe and reliable supply of products and services that are essential to people's daily lives. While putting in place measures to minimize effects of the pandemic on its business, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan will forge ahead with important transformational initiatives that will create a platform for medium- to long-term growth.


【Outline of Annual Review 2019】

Release date: Monday, June 15, 2020

・Japanese edition:

・English edition:

Reviewed period: January – December 2019


【Key information covered in Annual Review 2019】

●Top Message


Message from the CFO, Toward the expansion of our production capacity Our response to COVID-19, etc.

●Financial and Non-financial Highlights

●Business Overview Beverage BusinessHealthcare & Skincare Business

●CSV Initiatives Toward a World Without Waste, etc.

●Corporate Governance

●Financial Information

●Company Information


Please see here for the PDF version.