As part of events hosted by Kagawa Prefecture to celebrate 30th anniversary of Seto Ohashi Bridge, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan held a ceremony to unveil a wrapping VM developed in collaboration with the anime “Yuki Yuna is a Hero-Washio Sumi Chapter-” at Marine Dome in Seto Ohashi Commemorative Park, Sakaide-city.
Approximately 400 people from the Prefecture and other parts of Japan gathered at the venue of Marine Dome. During the unveiling ceremony, our Head of Shikoku District Sales Division Toshishige Uno expressed appreciation to all the fans called “Hero Club” who periodically clean the wrapping VM placed in March, and described the community-based initiative as a way to play a role in increasing nonresident population by enabling the wrapping VM to serve as one of the new sacred places for those who visit Seto Ohashi Commemorative Park, while making the audience excited with a talk incorporating a trivia associated with the link of birthdays of the protagonist of this story and Coca-Cola.
Subsequently, the VM was unveiled by distinguished guests and commemorative photo were taken at the closing of the ceremony together with the wrapping VM and Seto Ohashi Bridge in the back.
After the ceremony, many awaited fans flocked to the wrapping VM relocated from the venue and enjoyed photo shooting, standing in a line to purchase Coca-Cola products, apparently having fun in their pilgrimage to a new sacred place already.
We, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan, will continue to deepen interactions with people in local communities leveraging various contents.