
Coca-Cola System Material Issues

CCBJH Group's materiality

We are committed to pursuing activities that address social issues through creating shared value (CSV). To further advance our efforts and fulfill our mission, we have identified our material issues for 2023.

Process for Identifying Material Issues

Recognizing the current status

Referring to the key issues identified in the Coca-Cola system in Japan, we then identified issues by categorizing social issues taken from industry surveys, reports by ESG report guidelines (GRI, SASB) and ESG rating agencies (MSCI, FTSE), reports by external consultants including interviews with external stakeholders such as consumer groups, retailers, NPOs, academic organizations, and ESG investors, ISO26000, and government reports. To fulfill our mission of “Delivering happy moments to everyone while creating value,” we have established a group-wide, cross-divisional project team to identify our material issues.

Identifying material issues

The issues identified were surveyed for their degree of importance. Based on the results of this survey, they were grouped and organized, a social axis evaluation was conducted, and we drafted a proposal of what our material issues should be. The project team conducted an internal evaluation by analyzing documents such as the Annual Review and the CSV Report. It then discussed the proposed definition of material issues after checking the materiality proposal for comprehensiveness and appropriateness. Based on these discussions, we have identified and defined 13 material issues unique to the Group, covering three areas: “environmental,” “social,” and “governance.”

1Organization and identification of issue items
  • Confirming and organizing existing issues being addressed by the Coca-Cola System in Japan
  • Identifying topics of social and industry attention and importance
  • Listing of items to be added as material issues
2Drafting of a proposal for material issues
  • Conducting importance surveys on existing and additional issues
  • Grouping issues and reorganizing the issue list based on issue granularity
  • Conducting social axis evaluation in accordance with issue granularity, drafting a proposal for material issues
3Selection and definition of 13 material issues
  • Organizing and preparing a proposal for material issues and their proposed definitions through internal evaluations, including analysis of our data
  • Discussing issue granularity and definition within the project team
  • Selecting 13 key material issues across three categories: Environmental, Social and Governance
4Scoring of material issue importance
  • Conducting interviews with stakeholders
  • Conducting interviews with management including the CEO and employee surveys
  • Scoring importance for the preparation of the proposed map of material issues

Organizing material issues

In mapping our 13 material issues, we scored importance based on interviews with investors focusing on ESG, NGOs, and local governments, etc., as well as our management including our Representative Director and President and employee surveys.
In mapping our material issues, for the social axis we scored importance for stakeholders based on factors such as interviews with outside experts and analysis of various reports. For the business axis, we scored importance for the CCBJH Group based on interviews with management and employee surveys. The resulting scores were plotted along the axis of importance for stakeholders and for the CCBJH Group to create a map of material issues. We have recognized the following three points as particularly important to our stakeholders and the Company: packaging and recycling (circular economy), mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and employee development & wellbeing.

Definitions of material issues

In formulating identifications of 13 material issues, we have developed a list of issues based on the results of social axis surveys, and then organized the definitions of material issues through the analysis of internal materials. Regarding the issue granularity and definitions, we have formulated our own definition of material issues. based on discussions by a group-wide, cross-divisional project team.