Business Overview

Business Overview

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.(CCBJI) produces and supplies approximately 90% of the Coca-Cola system's products in Japan to serve the needs of our customers and consumers spread widely across Japan. Among the 225 or more bottlers currently manufacturing and selling Coca-Cola brand products globally, CCBJI stands firm not only as one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in Asia, but also as one of the largest in the world in terms of sales revenue.

Under our corporate philosophy "Paint it RED! Let's Repaint our Future.", CCBJI aims to achieve our mission to "deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value." We deliver high-quality Coca-Cola brand products and provides finely-tuned services, all designed to be embraced by customers and consumers from every walk of life.

The Coca-Cola system in Japan


Business area:Tokyo,Osaka,Kyoto,and 35 prefectures / Sales volume:About 90% of Coca-Cola System in Japan / Consumers in sales area:About 110 million(53 million households)
  • Annual Revenue: 868.6 billion yen
  • Annual Sales Volumes: About 500 million cases
  • Number of Brands: About 40 brands/ Number of Products: Over 600 products
  • Customer Outlets: About 340,000 shops (※)
  • Vending Machines: About 700,000 vending machines
  • Number of Fleet Vehicles: About 12,300 vehicles
  • Plants: 17 Plants
  • Number od Sales Centers: About 300 centers (including Distribution Centers)
  • Numbers of Employees: About 14,500 employees (excluding temporary staffs)

As of end 2023 (consolidated)
(※) Supermarkets, Drugstores & Discounters, Convenience Stores, Restaurants are covered.


Vending (Vending Machines)

The vending channel is a retail channel through which we sell products directly to consumers through our approximately 700,000 vending machines. We are working to improve the vending experience by installing new machines, effectively introducing new & core products, as well as exclusive drinks. This ensures an assortment that reflects the character of the installation location. We also implement effective marketing programs using the smartphone app Coke ON.

Supermarkets, Drugstores & Discounters

Supermarkets, drugstores, and discounters make up our wholesale channel that delivers products to consumers through product sales in-store and the creation of appealing sales floors. We are working to propose the optimal lineup according to sales floor and developing campaigns tailored to the season and special events.

Convenience Stores

Convenience stores are a wholesale channel that allows us to deliver goods to consumers through easy-to-access locations. We are introducing new products and conducting promotions with customer chain stores.

Retail & Food Service (Kiosks, Restaurants etc.)

Retail & Food Service is a wholesale channel in which we sell products to customers operating stores, restaurants, liquor shops, and other stores, and offer consumers products and opportunities for enjoying drinks.


Online is a channel where we deliver to consumers through online sales, marketing is done through customers' websites. In response to the growing demand for beverages through online shopping, we are working with our customers to expand awareness of our products offered, such as by planning campaigns in collaboration with our customers.