May 02, 2022
On April 1, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Vending, FV Japan, and Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Business Services jointly hosted an entrance ceremony. The group welcomed 228 new members. As is customary with the ceremony, matching original T-shirts were worn for the ceremony. Except for the five new employee representatives, as in last year, they participated online from home to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Click here for the news release of the 2022 entrance ceremony.
The theme of this year's entrance ceremony is "New employees play the leading part, creating entrance ceremony together." It aims to let the new employees experience the fun of work and a sense of accomplishment through a project in which they participate in the planning and operation of the entrance ceremony to create it together with other employees.
The Talent Acquisition Section came up with this theme inspired by the new employees' opinions received in these few years when ceremonies and trainings were moved online due to the Covid pandemic, such as "it is difficult to draw in a line between a student and a working professional" and "there have been fewer opportunities to see peers and colleagues in person." The idea carries a hope that "we want them to start their working life with a goal in mind as a member of the Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Group, and to deepen ties with their colleagues who will grow together!"
The new employee representatives of each company were selected through a call for volunteers. Their job was to come up with questions for the QA session with the management to be held at the entrance ceremony.
They discussed together and summarized what they wanted to know before starting to work and questions to the management. Among them, we would like to introduce one QA from FV Japan, who hired new graduates for the first time this year. The answer was provided by Sano, Representative Director and President of FV Japan Co., Ltd.
Q:What does Coca-Cola's policy of "delivering happiness" mean to you?
Sano-san: To me, "delivering happiness" means two things. The first is making the people who interact with you feel happy. The second is keeping yourselves happy in order to achieve that. What is happiness? Everyone experiences happiness in their own way, but for me, happiness is gratitude and a smile.
It is about continuing striving to make our customers, consumers, FV employees, CCBJI Group employees, and all other people with whom we interact feel grateful and put a smile on their faces. It’s difficult to make everyone smile at the same time, but we cherish each and every moment when people say they’re glad to have entrusted something to us, they’re glad to be involved with us, or feel thankful to us. In order to make others feel that way, I believe it is important for us to always be grateful to those around us, and to keep smiling. It applies not only when you are working, but also in your personal life. Many things happen every day, but I still try to enjoy any changes, think about what to do before taking actions, and say “thank you” to those around me.
The new employee self-introduction/message videos that started when the entrance ceremony went online. Participation in this project is on a voluntary basis and participants are free to communicate what they want to say. Again this year, everyone sent in their own unique videos. Some lined up their favorite Coca-Cola products, and others used a background of their product collection. We think they made each other happy even though they were far away from each other.
Together with our new members, the CCBJI Group will continue striving to provide safe and reliable products and services essential to daily life in order to achieve our mission of delivering happy moments to everyone while creating new values.